Unali'Yi Lodge 236-Order of the Arrow-Coastal Carolina Council BSA

Lodge History

Unali’Yi 236 History
The information below comes from the 2003 60th Anniversary Reunion Weekend Booklet, authored by Lodge Historian Rusty Riddle. If you believe some of the information is inaccurate, please notify the webmaster so the information may be corrected.
1943J. Rucker Newbery is hired as the Scout Executive of the Coastal Carolina Council. 33 candidates go through the first Ordeal in May and Unali’Yi Lodge #236 is born. Camp Director Jerome Moskow is appointed Lodge Chief by Newbery. C. S. Deforest becomes the first Lodge Adviser. The lodge is placed in Area J of the BSA structure of OA lodges. The first small arrowhead, sewn on a full size red neckerchief, is issued.
1944Clarence Byrd is elected as the first youth lodge chief. The lodge is broken into “Area Groups” (similar to today’s chapters). There would be the Charleston Group, the West Ashley Group, the North Area Group, the Summerville Group, the East Cooper Group, the Beaufort Group, the Walterboro Group, and the Georgetown Group.
1945With the addition of many new lodges, Area J becomes too large and is broken down into three areas. The lodge is moved into Area Z with all other South Carolina lodges and the lodges from northern and central Georgia.
1946Chief Newbery and several lodge members attend the Area I fellowship in North Carolina. This leads to the formation of Area Fellowships in Area Z the following year. Chief Newbery becomes the lodge’s first Vigil Honor member.
1947The lodge attends its first Area Fellowship, called the Area Z meeting, in March at Camp Barstow near Columbia, SC. The swimming pool is built at HNW.
1948The Order of the Arrow is fully integrated into the BSA program. It had previously been considered as an “experiment” of the BSA. The lodge hosts its first Area Fellowship, also called Area Z meeting, at HNW. Hugh Ector serves as Area Chief, and is also a member of NOAC staff. The lodge sends delegates to the first National OA Conference in Indiana. The second arrowhead replaces the first as the official lodge patch.
1949The lodge begins a major tree planting project at Camp HNW. Hundreds of pine trees are planted. C. S. Deforest steps down as Lodge Adviser, after having served for 8 years.
1950John Rogers becomes the first lodge chief to hold a second term of office as chief. The lodge is moved from Area Z into Area 6B in another national realignment.
1951Harry Kent becomes the first youth member of the lodge to receive the Vigil Honor. The lodge builds the Nature Lodge at Camp HNW. The building is named after Chief Newbery and is the only building currently remaining from the original camp. The first activity patch, for building the nature lodge, is issued.
1952The lodge hosts its second Area Fellowship at HNW. Called the Area 6B Fellowship, Newbery gives it the name “The Dixie Fellowship.” Teddy Braid serves as Area Chief.
1953The lodge is moved out of Area 6B and into Area 6C, saying goodbye to the Dixie Fellowship. This would begin a 20 year run of the lodge staying in one area, that being 6C. The lodge issues the mini-neckerchief for the 1953 Jamboree participants.
1954The lodge issues its first lodge flap, replacing the second small arrowhead as the official lodge patch. The flap is restricted to 2 per life, one at Ordeal and one at Brotherhood with the members having to sign their membership record card to get them.
1956The lodge issues its first Jacket Patch, called the Chenille Patch. Because of its size, cost ($5 each), and poor quality manufacturing, the chenille is a very unpopular patch. 50 were ordered and restricted to 1 per life. It would take over six years to sell out and Chief Newbery swears he will never reorder them.
1957The lodge builds the Unali’Yi pageant grounds at Camp HNW. The tower, block wall, and seating are all constructed by lodge members.
1958The lodge hosts its third Area Fellowship, called the Fort Sumter Fellowship, at Camp HNW. Delegates have the opportunity to visit Fort Sumter. E. W. Rabon Jr. serves as Area Chief. Raeford Davis steps down as Lodge Adviser after having served for 9 years. The lodge issues its first neckerchief (other than the small arrowheads which were sewn into neckerchiefs). This had a large silkscreen design, which wore off after a few washings.
1961A standard Jacket Patch (larger Arrowhead) replaces the Chenille as the official Lodge Jacket Patch. It is also restricted to 1 per life. The first trading flap is also issued.
1962The lodge dance team puts on a series of public performances to raise funds for the digging of lake McGee at HNW. The IP-62 flap is issued to performance participants. The second lodge flap is issued, also restricted to 2 per life.
1963The lodge dominates the competition at the Area 6C conference winning both the Quest for the Golden Arrow and the Group Dance competition. The dancer 1963 flap is issued.
1964The lodge hosts its 4th Area Fellowship, called the 1964 Area 6C Unail’Yi Fellowship. Dan Biggerstaff serves as Area Chief. Chief Newbery retires as Scout Executive of the Coastal Carolina Council.
1965The Order of the Arrow celebrates its 50th Anniversary with a service award patch that can be sewn onto a sash. A. L. Rogers becomes the new Scout Executive.
1966The second Lodge Neckerchief is issued. A large quarter circle patch is sewn on a red neckerchief; it is restricted to 1 per life no trading. The next version of the Arrowhead Jacket Patch is also issued.
1967The lodge dance team wins the group dance competition at the Area 6C Fellowship. The 1967 dancer flap is issued.
1968The lodge, in conjunction with scout troops and the US Forest Service, beings work on the Swamp Fox Trail, a 28 mile trail through the Francis Marion Forest. The trail committee is set up with Ed Holcombe as adviser. The lodge begins holding the Battle of Fort Dorchester reenactments with lodge members playing the Indians and the Charles Towne Long Rifles performing as colonial soldiers.
1969No Area Fellowships are held in Region Six due to regional ruling. Instead, lodge officers attend a training session in Columbia. The first half of the Swamp Fox Trail is completed and hundreds of scouts and scouters from around the country hike the trail.
1970South Carolina celebrates its Tricentennial as hundreds of scouts and the public attend the Forth Dorchester reenactment.
1971The second half of the Swamp Fox Trail is completed and the trial is declared as a BSA historical trail. The procedure of “knotching” candidate arrows for talking at Ordeals is abolished. Led by lodge chief Barry Stamey, the lodge begins to place more emphasis on administration and the organizing of the lodge committees. The final Fort Dorchester reenactment is held.
1972The lodge hosts the final Area 6C Fellowship at Camp HNW, winning the Quest for the Golden Arrow. Barry Stamey serves as Area Chief. This will also be the final year the Vigil Honor Ceremony is held at an area fellowship. The lodge holds Ordeals on the Friday of each week at Summer Camp as opposed to having Ordeal Weekends. The lodge builds the pavilion behind the camp Trading Post. (This is currently the pavilion in front of the Handicraft building).
1973The BSA program undergoes tremendous changes in all areas of program. (A scout can now earn the Eagle rank, now called a progress award, without having ever gone on a campout!) The Area Fellowship is now called the Section Conclave. The lodge is reunited with the 6B lodges in the new SE-3B (Southeast Region, Section 3B) and thus returns to the Dixie Fellowship; and we’ve been attending Dixie Fellowships ever since. Summer Camp Ordeals continue. In what was considered as the beginning of serious and meaningful work projects at camp, the old wooden floor in the Dining Hall is torn out and replaced with a concrete floor. Chapters are re-established in the lodge.
1974Ordeal weekends return, replacing the Summer Camp Ordeals. Financed by the lodge and led by lodge members, the Summer Camp program at HNW undergoes major changes. The lodge issues its first Plan Book, called the Unali’Yi Manual, and its first large Where to go Camping booklet. The term of office is switched from the calendar year to the June 1 through May 31 term we are still following.
1975Due to the national gasoline shortage, the lodge opts to hold only two activities this year. Both are called Fellowship-Ordeals and are well attended.
1976Camp Ho-Non-Wah is declared the first Bicentennial Camp in America with ceremonies in which a Bicentennial flag is run by lodge members from the Customs House in downtown Charleston to Camp HNW. The lodge inaugurates a second historical trail called the Bicentennial Trail of Freedom. This trail was through the historic sections of downtown Charleston, highlighting historical locations from both Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Restrictions on lodge flaps are dropped and the first Brotherhood and Vigil Flaps are issued. At 23, Rusty Riddle becomes the youngest lodge adviser in lodge history.
1977The lodge hosts the 25th Anniversary of the Dixie Fellowship at HNW; with OA founder E. Urner Goodman and Chief Newbery as our special guests. The lodge by-laws are changed whereby officers are elected by nomination in a general election, instead by nomination by committee. National invokes the “fleur de lis” rule, causing us to once again change all three lodge flaps. Chief Newbery’s book, Scouting Memories, is published by the lodge.
1978Led by David Flowers, and then Mike Campbell, the lodge starts a new dance team emphasizing the Southern Fancy dance style. This team would be high in demand, performing over the state, including the first Spoleto Festival. An additional vice chief position is created.
1979J. Rucker Newbery passes away. The lodge issues a memorial flap in his honor. The lodge begins using the Elangomat Clan System in running its Ordeals.
1980Camp Gregg is sold by the CBC to developers, thus paving the way for a new Camp HNW to be built. OA Founder E. Urner Goodman passes away.
1981Construction of the new Camp HNW begins. Led by team adviser Ceedie Sintzenich, the dance team de-emphasizes individual performances and outfitting in favor of concentrating just on group dancing.
1982The Section undergoes another realignment. This time we are in Section SE-5.
1983Frank Heinsohn and Bobby Taradash become the first recipients of the Founder’s Award. The lodge backs out of hosting the 1986 SE-5 Dixie Fellowship due to the HNW construction.
1984The lodge begins holding its activities at Camp Moultrie and Givhans State Park due to the HNW reconstruction. This would continue into the following year.
1985Led by Lodge Chief Paul Spence, the lodge once again wins the Quest for the Golden Arrow at the SE-5 Dixie Fellowship.
1986After a dry run of 19 years and numerous second and third place finishes, the dance team wins the group competition at the SE-5 Dixie Fellowship performing the Cherokee Eagle Dance. The dance team votes to call itself the Tacha Kan To Kan Dancers (Dancers of the Deer) and the lodge approves a large dance team back patch with heavy participation restrictions. The lodge also votes to have new lodge flaps, jacket patches, and neckerchiefs. When the flaps arrived, they were not as desired and did not contain the fleur de lis. This would lead to numerous flaps over the next few years in an effort to get it right. The flaps would be restricted to 1 per activity.
1987The newly designed jacket patches and neckerchiefs arrive. They would also be restricted to 1 per activity. 50 of each were ordered and due to their extreme expense, they were never reordered. In his late 70’s, Ceedie Sintzenich becomes the oldest lodge adviser in history.
1989The lodge hosts the SE-5 Dixie Fellowship at HNW. Under the leadership of Dixie Vice Chief Paul Spence and adviser Rusty Riddle, this event set the standard for many Dixies to come. The dance team once again allows individual dancers to compete at Dixie. The renovation of Camp HNW is mostly complete, with the final touches being put on the new Council Ring (built on top of the old Unail’Yi pageant grounds) on the Friday of the Dixie Fellowship.
1990Led by Lodge Chief James Barton, the lodge puts on an awesome performance at the SE-5 Dixie Fellowship. Spurred on by their Dixie Deer Foot Walking Sticks, the lodge wins the group dance competition, the Parade of Braves group competition, best lodge display, numerous individual awards in Indian events, and the first of three consecutive Spirit Awards. It’s an exhilarating feelings when your lodge does real well at the Area Fellowship. The other lodges chanting “Bambi on a stick, makes me sick” still cracks me up! James Barton becomes the only chief in lodge history to hold the position for three years while also serving as Section Vice Chief of Indian Affairs. The OA celebrates its 75th Anniversary. Many lodges, including 236, issue turtle (Lodge #1’s totem) related flaps.
1991Another phenomenal performance at the SE-5 Dixie Fellowship. The lodge wins the Spirit Award, Group Dance Competition, Parade of Braves, Ceremonial Competition, lodge displays, and numerous individual Indian awards.
1992Team singing becomes a competitive event at the Dixie Fellowship and the lodge sing team wins its first of eleven straight sing team awards. James Barton serves as Section Chief. The council approves giving the lodge the old Camp Ranger’s house and work (and fund raising activities) begin on its renovation into J. Rucker Newbery Memorial Lodge.
1993The lodge celebrates its 50th Anniversary in May with over 300 members, alumni, and guests in attendance. J. Rucker Newbery Memorial Lodge is dedicated with a ribbon cutting ceremony involving all attending lodge chiefs and advisers. In yet another realignment, the lodge is moved into Section SR-5, which is still called the Dixie Fellowship. At Dixie, the lodge wins the Lodge of the Year Award and the first of five consecutive group dance victories. The first Dixie Delegate flap is issued.
1995The Coastal Carolina Council celebrates its 75th Anniversary and the lodge issues a flap to commemorate this occasion.
1997The lodge hosts another successful Dixie Fellowship at Camp HNW. Hospitality was the key word in this repeat of the 1989 Dixie program. David Barton serves as Section Chief.
1998David Barton becomes the only member in lodge history to serve 2 consecutive years as an Area or Section Chief.
2001Craig Whitfield steps down as lodge adviser after having served in that position longer than any other adviser. Santee Lodge yields to Unali’Yi to host the next year’s 50th Anniversary Dixie Fellowship.
2002Unali’Yi hosts the 50th Anniversary Dixie Fellowship at HNW with Craig Whitfield and the cooking crew putting on an unbelievable feast throughout the weekend.
2003The lodge celebrates its 60th anniversary of service to the council in May. The charter members of the Lodge Hall Fame, a historical award, are inducted. Daniel Barton becomes the first former lodge chief to be appointed as lodge adviser.
2004The term of office for lodge chief and other officers switches from June-May, to the calendar year, January-December. The end of an era – the sing team does not win the Dixie Fellowship competition for the first time in 13 years.
2005The lodge attains the status of “Section Honor Lodge” at the Dixie Fellowship, the first of many.
2006The term of office for lodge chief and other officers switches back to June-May. The Lodge and Staff adviser positions stay at the calendar year January-December.
2007The lodge wins the “Lodge of the Year” award at the Dixie Fellowship.
2008The lodge goes from having three different flaps for the different honors to one flap for all members. The new black border flaps arrived the following year.
2009The lodge wins the “Quest for the Golden Arrow” at the Dixie Fellowship for the first time in 24 years. The lodge created a perpetual award, the Tschutti Award, for those who have gone out of their way to assist an Arrowman in their Brotherhood conversion. The lodge also held four charity fundraisers to benefit, Toys for Tots, Low Country Food Bank, MUSC Children’s Hospital and Jenkin’s Orphanage. The second class of Hall of Fame inductees is announced at the Fall Fellowship.
2010     2011             2012     2013The lodge enters a new decade with emphasis on rebuilding the dance and sing teams. The Boy Scouts of America celebrates its 100th anniversary.   The lodge wins Pre-Ordeal Ceremonies Competition at the Dixie Fellowship with several members of the team taking first place for their part in the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony. Our Quest team did well winning the Canoe Race and Cross Country at the Dixie Fellowship at Camp Daniel Boone. UNALI’YI LODGE 236 Handbook: 2022-2023 Edition 4 2 UNALI’YI LODGE 236   Our Lodge participated in the Dixie Fellowship at Camp John J. Barnhardt and began preparations for the Dixie Fellowship to be hosted by Unali’yi Lodge   Unali’yi hosts the Dixie Fellowship at Camp Ho Non Wah with over 1100 Arrowmen from around the Section in attendance. Patrick Meyerink and Edward Leber serve as the Section Coordinators for the Dixie, Daniel Barton & David Surrett serve as the Section Dixie Co-Advisors, and James Barton serves as the Section Indian Affairs Advisor. Our Lodge is recognized as a Section Honor Lodge. Several members of our Ceremonies team win first place for their part in the Ordeal and Brotherhood Ceremony.
      2014  2014        Unali’yi is awarded with the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award for the 2nd year in a row.    
2015The Order of the Arrow celebrates its 100th anniversary.  Unali’yi Lodge places 2nd in Group Dance and most authentic historical dance at the 2015 NOAC.  Unali’yi is also awarded the E. Urner Goodman Camping award for the 3rd year in a row.  The lodge earns ‘Lodge of the Year’ at the Dixie Fellowship.
2016       2017                                       2018                                 2019                 2020                 2021                     2022Unali’yi Lodge is awarded the E. Urner Goodman Camping award for the 4th year in a row.   Unali’yi Lodge earns ‘Lodge of the Year’ at Dixie Fellowship as well as ‘Section Honor Lodge’   Over 100 Unali’Yi arrowmen returned home from the 2017 Dixie Fellowship with Lodge of the Year for our Lodge. Lodge of the Year is awarded to one of the ten lodges in our section who excels in the year-round program and in their participation in various events during the Dixie Fellowship. This year’s Dixie Fellowship was hosted by Muscogee Lodge, at Camp Barstow in UNALI’YI LODGE 236 Handbook: 2022-2023 Edition 4 4 UNALI’YI LODGE 236 Saluda County, SC. Thank you to Taylor “LT” Everard who served as section AIA coordinator and did a great job organizing and running the American Indian activities during Dixie fellowship . In addition to many other awards, our lodge was also recognized for: Section Honor Lodge, E. Urner Goodman Camping Award Recipient, Southern Region Camping Award…and…LODGE OF THE YEAR FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW! Unali’Yi returned to the Low Country with 1st place in Lodge Newsletter, Lodge Planbook, NEXT Guide, Knowledge & Training on Camp Promotions, Egg Toss, Parade of Braves-Straight Dance Outfit (Colin Reiheld), Parade of Braves-Fancy Outfit (Alex Barton) and a several other awards. The Lodge also dedicated and opened the White House which has become the Lodge Building, and houses the newly renovated Lodge Museum. The White House is dedicated to Vigil Honor Member Bill Butt for his service to the Lodge and his generous donations to the completion of the White House.   Began the year long 75 th Anniversary Celebration for Unali’Yi Lodge. The Spring Fellowship marked the kick-off event with over 100 arrowmen in attendance. The Ceremonies team completed new Ceremonies regalia based on Seminole Clothing from the 1940’s. In March, our lodge received the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award for the fifth consecutive year. Unali’Yi showed up in high spirit for the Dixie Fellowship with the theme Dixie in Paradise winning the Norman J Alston Spirit Award for the first time in many years. The lodge won 1 st place in Knowledge and Training, Brotherhood Ceremony, Newsletter and Lodge of the Year for the fourth year. The lodge sent over 25 arrowmen to the National Order of the Arrow Conference at Indiana University. The lodge dance team placed 2 nd in the Historical Dance and had 5 top ten dancers. Alex Barton Placed 2 nd in Fancy Dance and Craft Contest. The lodge hosted the Cub Haunted Weekend for the second time in October. The Fall Fellowship was the final celebration for our 75 th Anniversary. Over two hundred arrowmen were in attendance with Alumni spanning the last 75 years of lodge history. The year closed with Arrowmen serving on staff for Winter Camp 2018.   To start off the year, Unali’Yi received the E. Urner Goodman Camping award for the sixth year in a row, and then competed at Dixie and earned Lodge of the year for the fifth year in a row. During our Spring ordeal we inducted the first ever female youth into the lodge. The year continued with a great summer camp season with over 90% of staff members in the Lodge. The Lodge sent multiple brothers to OAHC trips. In the fall we UNALI’YI LODGE 236 Handbook: 2022-2023 Edition UNALI’YI LODGE 236 4 5 had another great Cub haunted weekend, and helped staff winter camp 2019.   The year started out great, by receiving the OA National Service Award for the first time ever. As well as the Southern Region Camping Award, and the E. Urner Goodman Award for the seventh year in a row. With the COVID-19 Virus outbreak in spring of 2020, Dixie was canceled, along with spring ordeal, and NOAC. We were finally able to host the fall ordeal in September, and inducted 33 new members. At fall fellowship we inducted 8 new Vigil members, 2 founders award recipients, and The National Distinguished Service Award was presented to James Barton. One of only two ever presented in our lodge.   We started to return to normal operations post covid lockdown. We traveled to Camp Daniel Boone for the first Cornerstone Conclave with a theme of Cornerstone incorporated. In the Quest for the Golden Arrow we won 1st place in tug of war and won first place for the Lodge Display Competition. Abby Barton took best in show in the AIA craft contest and the ladies Fancy Shawl. Jackson Nelson took first place in the Grass Parade of Braves. Drew Barton took first place in the Straight Parade of Braves and tied Jamie Martin for first place in the Straight Dance. Christian Blackburn served as the Section Secretary, Jamie Martin Admin Coordinator, Jackson Boggs Special Events Coordinator, James Barton AIA Advisor, and Kevin Kramer Shows Advisor   Cornerstone Conclave was held at Camp John J Barnhardt in April where our lodge received Honor Lodge and our ceremonies team and sing and dance teams excelled in competition. Both the Pre-Ordeal and Brotherhood Ceremonies Teams received Honor Teams. All of our ceremony principles received excellent or exemplary results. The Sing Team competed with both male and female singers and the lodge won 1st Place in Historical Group Dance. Jamie Martin served as Section Administration Events Coordinator. James Barton AIA Advisor, and Kevin Kramer Shows Advisor. In July our lodge headed to the 2022 National Order of the Arrow Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee. 29 delegates and 6 staff members attended the conference. At NOAC, the Lodge Sing Team placed 3rd in the Nation with a drum composed of both male and female singers. Drew Barton placed 3rd Place in the AIA Hand drum Contest and Michael McCready was a top 10 finalist in the NOAC Science Fair. In addition our lodge had 11 individual dancers and all our dancers made it to the Semifinals or Finals. For the first time ever, we had a National Champion Dancer in Ladies Traditional Dance Abby Barton. Third place Ladies UNALI’YI LODGE 236 Handbook: 2022-2023 Edition 4 6 UNALI’YI LODGE 236 Traditional Dance Erika Oltmann. Top Ten Finalist Fancy Shawl Dance Abby Barton. Semifinalist Ladies Fancy Shawl Dance Dora Bendetti. Third Place Men’s Straight Dance Jamie Martin. Top Ten Finalist: Reilly McMurray – Men’s Fancy Dance, Drew Barton – Men’s Straight Dance, Zach Russ – Men’s Northern Traditional Dance, Quinn Dennie – Men’s Chicken Dance, Semifinalist Jackson Nelson & Lincoln Shirey – Men’s Grass Dance. James Barton was recognized on stage at NOAC as a recipient of the Distinguished Service Award. Unali’Yi Lodge hosted Cub Haunted in October. Unali’Yi Boo Crew included Lodge Arrowmen and Scout Units from around the council. Over 600 people were in camp for this event. In December, five Arrowmen attended NLS/DYLC in Talladega, AL. Unaliyi Lodge continues planning to host the 2023 Cornerstone Conclave.          
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