I’ve Been Elected, Now What?
What is the Order of the Arrow?
Ordeal Candidates
Congratulations on having been selected for membership in Scouting’s National Honor Society, the Order of the Arrow. That you were chosen by your companions to become a member of this great Order, reflects great credit upon you. You have impressed upon those who have lived closest to you with the sincerity of your purpose to love in accordance with the high ideals of the Scout Oath and Law. The judgement of your fellows could hardly have been mistaken. In a short time, you will go upon yourselves another solemn obligation to be unselfish in service and devotion to the welfare of others. Your fellow Scouts elected you because they felt that you would continue cheerfully serving. Do not let them down.
Ordeal Weekends
This is just the first step in a journey that will last a lifetime. Your next step is to attend what is called an Ordeal, the induction experience for the Order of the Arrow, which is designed to teach significant values. We offer a number of chances to complete your Ordeal. Our lodge holds Induction Weekends twice a year, one in the spring, and one in the fall. Candidates selected as of January 1, 2023, will have 18 months from the date of election to complete their Ordeal.
Click HERE to see upcoming Ordeal Induction Weekends