The Path To Brotherhood

From the beginning of the Order in 1915, all members have been equal. There are no ranks. As an Ordeal member you are entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership in the Order. Yet, so important is the induction sequence that the Order strengthened it by creating Brotherhood membership. It is an opportunity for members to evaluate their past service to Scouting and the lodge since their Ordeal induction. The process for preparing yourself for brotherhood membership is explained in the OA handbook. An Ordeal member becomes eligible for Brotherhood membership Six months after completing his Ordeal. You must complete five challenges before you can enter the Circle of the Brotherhood:
- Memorize the signs of Arrow membership. Memorize the Obligation of the Order of the Arrow, which you received from Allowat Sakima. Also, memorize the Order of the Arrow Official Song, the Admonition, the sign of the Ordeal membership, and the Order of the Arrow Song.
- Advance in your understanding of the Ordeal. Gain a thorough understanding of the Ordeal through which you passed. See “The Customs and Traditions of the Ordeal” in the OA Handbook you received at your Ordeal
- Serve your unit. Retain your membership in Scouting, and fulfill your Obligation by continuing and expanding your service to your own troop or team.
- Plan for service in the Lodge. Retain your membership and make a pledge of service to the lodge.
- Review your progress. When you feel you have earnestly met the first 4 challenges, write a letter to the Lodge Secretary. In this letter:
· Explain what you think the Obligation means,
· Describe how you have been fulfilling this Obligation in you troop or team and in your daily life, and how you have used your understanding of the Ordeal to aid in your service, and
· Describe your specific plans for giving future service in the lodge program
(Your letter should be turned in to the Lodge Secretary at Check-In of the function you plan on going through Brotherhood)
Check out our Brotherhood Study Guide made by the youth members of our lodge in conjunction with adult advisors!