Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) was created in 1940 to honor those who rendered service to the Order beyond the lodge level. The award is presented to Arrowmen, youth and adult, who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The award is presented at National Order of the Arrow Conferences. Since the time the first awards were presented, fewer than 1,200 Distinguished Service Awards have been awarded. Two members of Unali’Yi Lodge is among those recipients*.
1948 J. Rucker Newbery*
1961 Cedrick Sintzenich (Awarded from Ktemaque Lodge #15)
1986 David C. Surrett (Awarded from Bob White Lodge #87)
2000 William D. Loeble (Awarded from Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge #129)
2018 Pierce Matthew Watson (Awarded from Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge #185)
2020 James A. Barton*
If you are interested in nominating a fellow Arrowman for this award, please visit https://oa-bsa.org/uploads/resources/forms/DSA_Nomination-2023.pdf to get the form. This form will need the signatures of the Unali’Yi Lodge Chief and Lodge Advisor, so please contact us at chief@site236.com for more information on this process.