I’ve Completed My Ordeal, Now What?
Well, first of all, congratulations on completing your induction into the Order of the Arrow and welcome to Unali’Yi Lodge. We offer many different opportunities for Arrowmen in our Lodge.
First of all, in six months after your induction date, you will be eligible for Brotherhood. What is Brotherhood? Click HERE to find out more information.
There are many other opportunities offered in our Lodge and beyond.
Lodge Executive Committee
In the Lodge, we have what is called a “Lodge Executive Committee,” or LEC for short. The LEC is made up of over 30 positions held by youth chairmen and supported by adult advisors that allow the lodge to operate as it should. If you are interested in becoming a member of the LEC, talk to the Lodge Chief. For more info, click HERE.
We also offer many different committees to be apart of. From ceremonies, sing and dance, and activities, to unit elections and Chapter Chiefs. Usually these committees are formed under a chairman in the LEC. For more information on each Committee, click HERE.
Lodge Functions
Each year, our Lodge hold four functions a year. These include Spring Ordeal, Spring Fellowship, Fall Ordeal, and Fall Fellowship.
- Ordeal weekends are weekends of cheerful service to the lodge. During these weekends, ordeal candidates will be participating in their ordeal ceremony. As a new lodge member, you may choose to become an elangomat to help guide new ordeal candidates through their ordeal. If you are interested in becoming an elangomat, talk to the Elangomat Chairman or the Vice Chief of Program.

- Fellowship weekends are fun filled weekends packed with games, service opportunities, trainings, and general lodge meetings. During the fall fellowship, the lodge holds a seafood dinner, patch auction, vigil honor dedication, and Annual Lodge Recognition Banquet. During the spring fellowship, the lodge gathers in a general lodge meeting to elect the new lodge officers for the year. Once elected, the new lodge officers will take office the following June 1st.

To find the next scheduled event, click HERE.
Cub Haunted
Each year, Unali’Yi Lodge puts on a cub event for the Coastal Carolina Council called Cub Haunted. This event is two sessions. Each night starts off with an opening show and costume contest. After the opening show, is when the fun gets started. We offer many different program areas, including a Haunted House, Haunted Hayride, Haunted Trail, and Glow in the Dark Wrist Rockets. Finally wrapping up the night with a snack.

Section E-7 Cornerstone Conclave
Cornerstone Conclave is an annual meeting held in April between all of the Order of the Arrow lodges in Section E-7 which includes South Carolina, North Carolina, and parts of Georgia. Arrowmen are able to join together in fellowship with one another as well as compete in various areas ranging from Ceremonies, Native Dance and Sing, Trainings, and QUEST events. These various competitions all contribute towards the annual Lodge of the Year Award which is only given to one lodge a year. Conclave is a great way to meet new Arrowmen from other lodges and join together in fellowship with your brothers.

National Leadership Seminar (NLS)
The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend conference focused on the skills and attributes of leadership. The program enhances the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow’s key youth and adult members as they seek to improve their services to the Boy Scouts of America and the greater community. The weekend format complements the longer, more detailed Junior Leadership Training program (for youth) and Wood Badge program (for adults). During the seminar, participants make a contract with themselves to apply the skills learned on projects in the lodge, council, and community. NLS prepares Arrowmen to become better leaders both within and outside of the Scouting program.
For more information, click HERE. If you are interested in attending NLS, talk to the Lodge Chief
National Order of the Arrow Conference
The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) is the flagship national Order of the Arrow event. It is held every two years at a major university campus and is attended by as many as 8,000 Arrowmen from all 50 states. It is second only to the BSA National Jamboree in size and scope. Our largest conference was in 2015, attended by more than 15,000 Arrowmen to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow.
At NOAC, you can expect awesome shows every night. During the day, there are lots of training offered, and numerous competitions, ranging from Sing and Dance, to a science fair. Plus, we usually go up a day or two early and make a fun stop on the way up.

OA High Adventure
Each summer, the Order of the Arrow offers a myriad of different High Adventure opportunities to meet your summer needs. Maybe it’s wetting your appetite by going for a plunge in the Atlantic Ocean with the Ocean Adventure at the Florida Sea Base. Or maybe hiking is your passion; if so, what better place to go than the Philmont Scout Ranch, where you can hike the same trails as your Scoutmaster or Scouting ancestors as a part of your Trail Crew experience? Have you ever thought about what the Native Americans and early explorers did to be avid traders? Maybe the OA Voyage is your calling. Whatever your summer aspirations may be, these National High Adventure bases have put together a multitude of options for you.
For more information, visit OA High Adventure’s website by clicking HERE